A conference by developers, for developers
Functional programming, Distributed systems, Embedded systems, Programming languages,
Probabilistic programming, Big data, Profiling & debugging, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning & Deep
Keynote Talk + Functional Programming + Programming Languages + Embedded systems
A Lisp on NodeMCU: microcontroller dev without sacrificing interactivity
Programming Languages
Why Rust?
Programming Languages
Building Web Apps like it's 1972
Santiago PastorinoTime: 10:00
Osvaldo MartinTime: 13:00
Phil WadlerTime: 09:40
A simple technique for building Domain-Specific Languages that developers can put to work today.
Karen SerfatyTime: 10:40
How useful are the questions teachers ask their students? And how can we tell the difference with machine learning?
Osvaldo MartinTime: 11:20
Leandro OsteraTime: 12:15
Bringing back the Actor model
5-minute talks by various speakersTime: 14:30
"TL;DR event sourcing" and more to be announced
Santiago PastorinoTime: 15:05
Sebastian WaisbrotTime: 15:45
Simon ThompsonTime: 16:40
Phil Hagelberg (A.K.A. Technomancy)Time: 17:40
Santiago PicininiTime: 09:00
Usando software y hardware abierto para llevar internet a comunidades aisladas
Santiago TemponeTime: 09:40
Communicating satellites through laser beams
Francisco AlbaniTime: 10:20
Cómo diseñar una conexión con un satélite de órbitas bajas para bajar grandes volúmenes de datos
Sebastián García MarraTime: 11:00
Estado del arte, desafíos y todo lo que siempre quisiste saber de trabajar con la Internet of Things
Mariela FiorenzoTime: 11:40
Federico La RoccaTime: 12:20
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